These are brilliant, Aisling! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m definitely ordering Hannah Gadsby’s book now, and I've added some others to my list. The website for books by autistic authors is such a valuable resource as well.

I totally get you on the pedantic perfectionism around typos! Not that I noticed any, and I’m sure most others didn’t either. But the self-criticism I can fall into when it happens drains my energy. I end up looking back at the writing I did years ago and cringing at the errors and grammar faux pas. At the same time, it’s a good reminder of how far I’ve come, even if it’s still not perfect—and likely never will be.

I’ve always struggled more with grammar, sentence structure, and flow than spelling, but thankfully I have digital tools now to support my original thoughts alongside my own process of reading aloud. Have a good weekend!

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Thanks for sharing Pualine! I think spelling has never been my strong suit (as early report cards attest) and the fact that my daoly life is bilingual (spanish-english) means I get my wires even more crossed. But like you said we've tools to help us these days!

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Typos happen. It’s how we know it’s you writing and not a bot. TBH I missed the typo because my brain autocorrected so the punchline made sense. Maybe that was just me, but I bet very few readers noticed or were bothered by it. This is all to say: please don’t be too hard on yourself. ❤️

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Aww,w thank you Clare, thank actually makes me feels so much better! I never thought about the BOT thing before!!

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Really interested as well to read about the other memoirs and look forward to checking them out. I'm an intermittent reader and have a lot of feels but somehow struggle to write reviews, so I'm inspired!

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful review of my book "WWSSH" and including it on your list of recommended books! I'm so glad to read your insights and especially pleased that you enjoyed the colours.

Belatedly I hope the bright colours were not / will not be too unpleasant an experience for yourself / people - as some of my autistic friends have explained certain very bright colours make their brains hurt.

I actually hadn't realised that I had used jarring colours in that way but I totally agree!

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Thanks Squid, it was an absolute pleasure!! I thought the colours were great in the drawings. I don't do so well with white writing over dark backgrounds but I think WWSSH didn't have too much contrast in that regard. Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read more!

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You are wonderful. Thanks for the good recs!!

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You're most.welcome!!

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What a great list! I am listening to Ten Steps to Nanette at the moment and loving it. I’ve read a few memoirs by autistic authors but these are all new to me! I love a well curated list that doesn’t include all of the obvious ones. My TBR list just gained a few additions :)

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Thanks Hanna, glad I picked some unusual ones, but if you have any others to recommend please do, I can always add to my TBR pile as well! ;)

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